Will Flower


I am giving three presentations at Waste Expo 2013 in New Orleans (May 20 - 23, 2013).  The subjects that I will cover are:

Disaster Preparedness and Business Recovery:  What to do before, during and after a disaster

Disasters can occur at any time and any place.  The key is to be prepared and be able to respond quickly when disaster strikes.  This seminar will review the critical steps that you need to take to ensure you are prepared for a variety of disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires and other events.  During the presentation we will stress the importance of emergency planning and business recovery plans.  We will also review the critical need for coordination between private and public sectors, and the importance of good communication and coordination with your vendors, suppliers and customers.  Both government and businesses will benefit from this seminar which focuses on being prepared for the many hazards they face in today’s world.

Being a good neighbor - Developing and implementing community watch programs

The waste industry provides basic, essential services to the communities we serve.  With thousands of trucks and employees out on the streets and in the communities, we can also help communities be safer by acting as an extra set of eyes and ears for the local police and fire service.  The seminar will provide step by step instructions for developing a community watch program that will help communities be better places to live.  Participants will also discover partnerships that can help establish and publicize these important community betterment and public safety programs. Importantly, the program stresses that a drivers job is not to get involved in fighting the crime but rather to understand what to look for and how to report suspicious or criminal activity to local authorities. 

Working with reporters and the news media

In this interactive session, attendees will learn the skills and tools needed to effectively communicate with the news media.  Participants will discuss the various types of news media and a variety of tools that will help communicate a clear, consistent and timely message with reporters who may be interested in your business.  We will address proactive and reactive media relations with a goal of presenting your company in the best light.  Finally, we will work through some potential scenarios facing medical waste practitioners to discuss what reporters might ask and how to best respond.

Hope to see you in New Oleans!

Below are materials from the presentations at Waste Expo 2013 in New Orleans (May 20-23, 2013):

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